Hi, I’m Jennifer. I’m a recent Master of Data Science graduate with a background in immunological research. While working in allergy research, I became interested in data science as I used R programming for data analysis, data visualization, and statistical modeling of biological and clinical datasets.

I’m currently seeking my next challenge as a data scientist, and I’m excited to bring my data science skills and curiosity into my next role. You can reach me on LinkedIn if you’d like to connect!


  • Master of Data Science, University of British Columbia (2022)
  • Master of Science, Immunology, University of Toronto (2020)
  • HBSc. Immunology & Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto (2017)

Recent Projects


  • Programming Languages & Libraries:
    • Python (NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, Plotly Dash)
    • R (tidyverse, ggplot2, R Shiny)
    • SQL (PostgreSQL)
  • Tools: Git, Docker, Google Cloud (Looker, BigQuery), Jupyter


  • Music: 🎹, learning 🎸
  • Running 🏃🏻‍♀️